Acute Phase Proteins and their Clinical Significance in Veterinary Medicine: An Overview

Acute phase proteins are a group of non-specific innate immune components whose concentration changes with respect to a challenge, and a reaction of the host to pathophysiological insults (infection, inflammation, trauma etc) is collectively known as the acute-phase response. It begins within inflammatory sites where a vast number of inflammatory mediators are released by cells like macrophages and monocytes. The process involves a wide range of pathophysiological responses like pyrexia, leukocytosis, hormone alterations, and minimizing tissue damage while enhancing the repair process. The positive acute phase proteins (APPs) are considered very important due to their involvement in functions like activating the complement system, in binding cellular remnants like nuclear fractions, optimization and trapping of microorganisms and their products, in neutralizing enzymes, scavenging free hemoglobin and radicals, and in modulating the host’s immune response. APP can be used as diagnostic tool in diseases like mastitis, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, leptospirosis, prostate cancer, babesiosis, bronchopneumonia, reproductive tract infection. Thus, APPs act as indicators of animal health status.
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