Standardization of packing of minimally processed brussels sprout and cauliflower for extension of storage life

Studies on standardization of packing of minimally processed brussels sprout and cauliflower on physico-chemical characters, firmness, storage life, aroma and taste revealed that the physiological loss in weight was minimum (0.26 and 0.54%, respectively) in brussels sprout and cauliflower packed in 200 gauge poly ethylene bag with 0.5 per cent ventilation and stored under refrigerated conditions. The TSS content was maximum (2.03 and 1.68 %) in brussels sprouts and cauliflower packed in poly ethylene bag of 200 gauge with 0.5 per cent ventilation that were stored in refrigerated condition compared to open condition. Maximum firmness was retained when the processed vegetables were packed in 200 gauge poly ethylene bag with 0.5 per cent ventilation and stored under refrigerated condition (2.81 and 1.92 Kg/cm2) compared to any other treatment and the shelf life was extended to maximum of 21 and 18 days, respectively. The observations made on the presence of aroma and flavour of the vegetables was significant. The vegetables packed with 200 gauge poly bag with 0.5 per cent ventilation and stored under refrigerated condition had pleasant aroma and flavour with a maximum scores of 3.41 and 3.21, respectively.
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