DNA based methods for detection of transgenes in cotton hybrids

The rapid adoption of Bt. transgenic cotton hybrids in India have un-doubtedly been the most significant event. Efficient detection strategies for genetically modified crops need to be in compliance with regulatory frameworks and address consumer concerns need fully. There is a need for GM testing and detection to enhance GMOs and inhibit the spurious infiltration in the present market. The DNA based techniques using PCR, RT-PCR, LAMP, RT-LAMP and Multiplex PCR are currently the major detection methods that are widely used due to their ease and accuracy in detection of GM and Non GM crops. The present investigation was envisaged to differentiate transgenic and non transgenic plant, Six cotton hybrids were obtained from Main agriculture research station, University of agricultural sciences Raichur, Karnataka, India. Among six hybrids three of them are transgenic viz., 201KSSCH, 203KSSCH and 207KSSCH, other three hybrids are non transgenic namely 202KSSCH, RAHH455 and SHH188. To differentiate these samples at molecular level, they have been screened using PCR based technology upon employing gene specific CRY1AC F/R primer for the detection of Cry1AC gene among six cotton hybrids. Results revealed that three transgenic cotton hybrids viz., 201KSSCH, 203KSSCH and 203KSSCH have been amplified by expressing a gene specific amplicon of 280 bp indicating the presence of Cry1AC gene in hybrids. Non transgenic cotton hybrids namely 202KSSCH, RAHH455 and SHH188 failed to amplify gene specific fragment, due to absence of Cry1AC gene. It has been confirmed that gene specific CRY1AC F/R primer can be used to study presence of Cry1AC gene in cotton samples. Further it can be used in the breeding programmes such as marker assisted selection in cotton.
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