Efeitos na qualidade de vida de um programa de envelhecimento saudável e ativo durante pandemia de COVID-19

The study aimed to verify the effectiveness of the actions of the social protection network created by the Municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ from presenting the profile of the quality of life of the elderly who adhered to a Healthy and Active Aging program developed during imposed Social Isolation by the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical Activity is essential to aged people, basically to maintain their welfare, mental health, and independence status. The Social Isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic had been impacted the quality of life of aged people independently of their life-style before isolation. Experiences promoted, mainly by public power, have stimulated actions of attention to aged people, assuming that it contributes to the development of capacity and autonomy. Was used an electronic survey formed by questions of Nahas (2017) questionnaire, besides questions about the socio-economic aspects of participants. The link for access to the research instrument was sent through message app for the participants of project 60+ health after 4 months of social isolation. The sample was formed by 356 aged people that were participating in an online program of active and healthy aging that promoted periodic physical exercise practice. The results showed that in all of the observed domains the research aged people had as central tendency the score 3, which mean that all aspects are positive in their life-style, and, so, aspects of improvement of participants quality of life. Thus, the accession to the online program of active and healthy aging promoted a positive impact on the aged people'slife-style.
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