A Study of Quantum Field Theories in AdS at Finite Coupling

We study the $O(N)$ and Gross-Neveu models at large $N$ on AdS$_{d+1}$ background. Thanks to the isometries of AdS, the observables in these theories are constrained by the SO$(d,2)$ conformal group even in the presence of mass deformations, as was discussed by Callan and Wilczek, and provide an interesting two-parameter family of quantities which interpolate between the S-matrices in flat space and the correlators in CFT with a boundary. For the actual computation, we judiciously use the spectral representation to resum loop diagrams in the bulk. After the resummation, the AdS $4$-particle scattering amplitude is given in terms of a single unknown function of the spectral parameter. We then "bootstrap" the unknown function by requiring the absence of double-trace operators in the boundary OPE. Our results are at leading nontrivial order in $\frac{1}{N}$, and include the full dependence on the quartic coupling, the mass parameters, and the AdS radius. In the bosonic $O(N)$ model we study both the massive phase and the symmetry-breaking phase, which exists even in AdS$_2$ evading Coleman's theorem, and identify the AdS analogue of a resonance in flat space. We then propose that symmetry breaking in AdS implies the existence of a conformal manifold in the boundary conformal theory. We also provide evidence for the existence of a critical point with bulk conformal symmetry, matching existing results and finding new ones for the conformal boundary conditions of the critical theories. For the Gross-Neveu model we find a bound state, which interpolates between the familiar bound state in flat space and the displacement operator at the critical point.
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