Temporal cueing enhances neuronal and behavioral discrimination performance in rat whisker system

Since sensory systems operate with a finite quantity of processing resources, an animal would benefit from prioritizing processing of sensory stimuli within a time window that is expected to provide key information. This behavioral manifestation of such prioritization is known as attention. Here, we investigate attention with temporal cueing and its neuronal correlates in the rat primary vibrissal somatosensory (vS1) cortex. Rats were trained in a simple whisker vibration detection task. A vibration was presented at one of two spatial locations (left or right) - sometimes after an unknown time interval and sometimes after receiving an auditory cue. The auditory cue provided temporal but not spatial information about the vibration. We found that for all rats (n=6), the auditory cue consistently enhanced detection of the vibration stimulus. Neuronal activity in vS1 cortex reflected the observed behavioral enhancement from temporal cueing with single-units responded differentially to the whisker vibration st...
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