Certain types of metrics on almost coKähler manifolds

In this paper, we study an almost coKahler manifold admitting certain metrics such as $$*$$ -Ricci solitons, satisfying the critical point equation (CPE) or Bach flat. First, we consider a coKahler 3-manifold (M, g) admitting a $$*$$ -Ricci soliton (g, X) and we show in this case that either M is locally flat or X is an infinitesimal contact transformation. Next, we study non-coKahler $$(\kappa ,\mu )$$ -almost coKahler metrics as CPE metrics and prove that such a g cannot be a solution of CPE with non-trivial function f. Finally, we prove that a $$(\kappa , \mu )$$ -almost coKahler manifold (M, g) is coKahler if either M admits a divergence free Cotton tensor or the metric g is Bach flat. In contrast to this, we show by a suitable example that there are Bach flat almost coKahler manifolds which are non-coKahler.
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