Étude Comparative de la Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire et de L'absorption Infra-rouge dans L'association du Butanol

The comparison of the N. M. R. data and of the infra-red extinctions of butanol-n and butanol-sec solutions in carbon tetrachloride shows that the linear relation that would be expected between the shift of the OH proton and the monomeric fraction (ration of monomer concentration to theoretical concentration) in the case of cyclic association, is only roughly verified. The discrepancies are due to the presence of open hydroxylic chains. The importance of these open chains is greater than in the case of tertiary butanol, what appears from the comparison of our N. M. R. results with those of Saunders and Hyne. The benzenic solutions of primary and secondary butanol are quite less associated than the solutions in CCl4. This dissociating effect of benzene can be also related to the variation of the vicinal CH2 shift (or vicinal CH) with dilution, the effect of the vicinity of the OH group becoming less important by dilution in benzene.
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