Centrogenic reactions and their prognostic value during surgeries for posterior cranial fossa tumors in children

: The purpose of the study was to define the parameters of intraoperative monitoring, which allowed the prediction of complications due to surgery for posterior cranial fossa in children and the planning postoperative treatment tactics. The hypnotic propofol and a combination of the narcotic analgesic fentanyl and alpha 2-adrenoblocker clofelin were used to induce and maintain anesthesia. All patients were operated on in the sitting position. Hemodynamic parameters, arterial blood saturation, end-expiratory carbon dioxide tension, and central venous pressure were intraoperatively studied. As electrophysiological monitoring, the authors studied electroencephalograms and brainstem auditory evoked potentials by an Indeaver monitor (Nicolet). The investigators analyzed readings and data on admission to the operating suite, at the stages of anesthesia maintenance and surgery. The findings were used to define indications for anesthesia using the narcotic analgesic fentanyl and alpha 2-adrenoblocker clofelin in the postoperative period.
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