Perigo do movimento antivacina: análise epidemio-literária do movimento antivacinação no Brasil

Objective: To analyze the literature on the anti-vaccination movement and make possible relationships with epidemiological data on Brazilian vaccine coverage. Literature review: Movements against immunizations have always existed since the origin of vaccines, however, in the last decade these movements have been gaining strength and greater space in digital media. This is due to the growing influence that the internet and social networks have on users' lives, since many anti-vaccination campaigns have used this medium to perpetuate news that is contrary to vaccines. A great reduction in the Brazilian vaccine coverage was observed in the last five years, the data show that all vaccines offered had a reduction in application in the observed period. Final considerations: The resurgence of diseases that were previously controlled has been worrying health professionals around the world. It is necessary to create strategies that reduce the influence of this movement and reinforce the importance of immunization.
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