Evaluating the Environmental Impacts of Hawking along the Outer Northern Expressway (ONEX) in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, North Central, Nigeria

The aim of the current study is to investigate the environmental impact of hawking along the Outer Northern Expressway (ONEX), Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. The area is located within the FCT Abuja between latitude 8° 25” and 9° 25” North of the Equator and longitude 6° 45” and 7° 45” East of the Greenwich meridian .Data were collected through the use of structured questionnaire and complemented with interview and direct observations.This study also sought information from secondary information including, relevant books, existing literature, and government records etc. data were analyzed using descriptive statistics representing tables, and pie charts. The. Results of findings revealed that 43.75 % of the respondents were male and 56.25% of the respondents were females, and within age bracket of 10 to 40 years with few falling above 40 years old. Most of the hawkers are adjudge as youth, which validates the conclusion of that majority of the people who hawk are illiterates and without any skill. Furthermore, the result revealed that hawking leads to landscape defacement, and environmental pollution as most of the traders indiscriminately disposed of their refuse by burning and dumping in the drainage there by blocking the drainage channels causing flood during rainy season. The study revealed that hawking is part of informal economic sector and has over the years contributed to employment provision and improvement in the livelihood of many, as well as the local economy through social, political, and economic life of Nigerians. Unfortunately, the indiscriminate littering problem and non-biodegradable nature of the refuse resulting from the most items being sold after use are issues of great environmental concern. Concerted efforts are therefore needed by all relevant authorities and stakeholders to regulate and ensure proper application of technology to manage waste from sachet water trade.
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