Li abundance in young PMS associations: AB Dor

We present stellar parameters and Li abundances for 21 stars of the young (∼50 Myears) AB Dor association, based on high-resolution spectra obtained with FEROS at the ESO 1.52m telescope and the Coude Spectrograph at the OPD 1.6m telescope. These results are part of an ongoing project for the determination of stellar parameters and abundances for a large sample of T Tauri and post-T Tauri stars in PMS associations identified on the Search for Associations Containing Young Stars survey. The sample consists of G, K and M stars counterparts of ROSAT bright sources. Since we expect Li depletion for the K and M stars, but small Li depletion for the G stars, we can compare the upper values of Li abundances for these stars with the one of the Galactic disk interstellar mean and at the same time provide constrains for the study of Li depletion on a chemically homogeneous high metallicity sample.
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