Versatile APD-based PET modules for high resolution, fast medical imaging

We report on the development of versatile APD-based PET modules with time-of-flight capability. The module consists of a LYSO matrix optically coupled with a position-sensitive avalanche photodiode (APD) array, and front-end circuits (FEC) directly connected to the rear-end of the APD package. Each APD device has a monolithic 16×16 (or 8×8) pixel structure with an active area of 1.0 (or 4.0) mm 2 for each pixel. Time resolutions of 155 ps and 214 ps (FWHM) were obtained for 1.0 mm 2 and 4.0 mm 2 APD pixels, respectively, measured by the direct detection of 10 keV X-rays. The FEC carries two identical analog ASICs specifically designed for the APDs in TSMC 0.35 μm CMOS technology. Each ASIC consists of 32-channel charge-sensitive amplifiers, band-pass filters, differentiators, pulse-height and timing discriminators, and two-channel time-to-amplitude converters. The noise characteristic of the ASIC, mounted in a low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) package, is 560 +30 e/pF with an electric timing resolution of 484 ps (rms). The overall dimension of the module (including APD-array, LYSO matrix and FEC) is 30×30×80 mm 3 . The variation of signal amplitude was less than 20% among all pixels. The average energy resolutions of 11.7 ± 0.7 % and 13.7 ± 1.1 % were obtained for 662 keV gamma-rays, measured with 8×8 and 16×16 arrays, respectively. An attainable spatial resolution is < 0.8mm (FWHM) for 16×16 array in a reconstructed image. These results suggest the APD-based PET module can be a promising device for future applications, especially for high resolution MRI- and TOF-PET.
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