Deep water stratification in deep caldera lakes Ikeda, Towada, Tazawa, Kuttara, Toya and Shikotsu

From six deep caldera lakes in Japan, namely lakes Ikeda, Towada, Tazawa, Toya, Kuttara and Shikotsu (in Japanese referred to as Ikedako, Towadako, Tazawako, Toyako, Kuttarako and Shikotsuko), fine resolution profiles of temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH have been measured. Measurements were conducted just after deep circulation from the end of March to the end of May 2005. Lake Ikeda and Lake Towada did not undergo a complete turnover. Both showed meromictic features with a clear interface separating the recirculated mixolimnion from the deeper monimolimnion. Lake Tazawa and Lake Toya showed a complete turnover in winter 2004/05, while in Lake Kuttara and Lake Shikotsu, a deep water body remained throughout winter due to pressure effects on the temperature of maximum density. Although these deep waters were never fully recycled into the mixolimnion, they presented themselves as well supplied with oxygen and well circulated within themselves. Where overturn had not been complete small gradients in the oxygen profile, pH profiles and electrical conductivity profiles could be detected. However only in Lake Towada were concentrations of dissolved substances and gradients high enough to have decisive impact on the circulation pattern.
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