Biosecurity in endemic foot and mouth disease settings: a case study of foot and mouth disease vaccination in South-East Asia: -EN- -FR- La biosécurité dans les contextes de fièvre aphteuse endémique : une étude de cas sur la vaccination en Asie du Sud-Est -ES- Seguridad biológica en presencia de fiebre aftosa endémica: estudio de una experiencia de vacunación contra la enfermedad en el Sudeste asiático

: Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral infection affecting cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs. The disease is endemic in several parts of Asia, as well as most of Africa and the Middle East. In 1997, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) established the South-East Asia Foot and Mouth Disease Campaign with the aim of increasing livestock sector productivity and economic output through the control and eradication of FMD in South-East Asia. Large-scale vaccination of livestock against FMD has in the past led to the successful eradication (or control) of the disease, for example in the Philippines. However, despite the benefit associated with large-scale vaccination, biosecurity risks can be created by vaccination teams moving between locations. It is therefore recommended that biosecurity measures are used by vaccination teams to prevent inadvertent disease spread. The majority of existing guidelines are focused on high-risk situations such as exotic animal disease outbreaks in developed countries, or agents posing a risk to human health. This paper describes the development of novel biosecurity guidelines for vaccination teams in South-East Asia. To achieve this, available literature was scanned followed by in-country workshops and field-testing of draft materials. Entry and exit procedures are laid out within the context of five core rules that follow the biosecurity principles of situational awareness, segregation, cleaning and disinfection. Guidelines and accompanying fact sheets were translated into local languages and included in a comprehensive vaccination training programme for all vaccination teams undertaking cattle FMD vaccination programmes in the New Zealand OIE FMD control project target countries (Myanmar and Laos). The material developed has wide practical relevance to veterinarians, traditional healers and village or community animal health workers, who all pose a heightened risk of spreading infectious agents.
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