The quality of nursing care to the user in the family health strategy: a literature search

The nursing as a profession has been expanding, every day, your space in the area of health, being one of the occupations in this area whose essence and specificity is the care of the human being. This is a literature study of qualitative approach, that aimed to analyse what has scientific production about quality of nursing care to the user in the ESF between the years of 2003 to 2013. The Users and their specific characteristics and needs, are the main reason of nursing care, which should, therefore, be performed efficiently, with commitment, ensuring quality of care and, mainly, the satisfaction of the patient and their family. The Nurse has acted as a facilitator both of the Nursing family centered, such as the one centered on the individual. This conduct has helped in the continuity of the service to the user and in the promotion of efforts directed, with a view to ensuring the high quality attention.
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