Gene expression in the Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larva : developmental regulation of Hsp90 and other genes

Under conditions unfavorable to growth, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans enters a developmentally arrested stage, the dauer larva. We have examined gene expression in the dauer larva and during recovery from the dauer stage. Run-on transcription assays with isolated nuclei reveal a depression of general RNA polymerase II transcription to 11–17% of that in other stages. Transcription of individual gene families (including actin, collagen, hsp70, and histone) is similarly depressed relative to actively growing stages. Dauer larvae are, however, capable of being induced for heat shock messages, indicating that they are competent to initiate and elongate transcripts. For most genes surveyed, reduced transcription in dauer larvae correlates with a decrease in message abundance. Hsp70 mRNA, however, is transcribed at lower rates but accumulates at levels comparable to those in other stages. Interestingly, dauer larvae are 15-fold enriched in a mRNA for a C. elegans hsp90 gene. Hsp90 mRNA accumulation is regulated at least in part by differential stability. Dauer larvae thus appear to have a unique pattern of gene expression. Upon placement in food, dauer larvae reenter the developmental pathway as late-stage larvae. Dauer recovery is accompanied by a temporally regulated sequence of gene expression. At least four distinct patterns of gene expression can be distinguished during exit from the dauer stage. Steady-state levels of hsp70 and polyubiquitin mRNA rise sharply within 75 min of recovery before declining by the fourth hour. Actin and histone mRNAs increase steadily following 2–4 hr of recovery, whereas myosin mRNA increases after 10 hr. In contrast, hsp90 mRNA declines sharply within the first 75 min of recovery. Changes in mRNA populations during dauer formation and exit may be physiologically relevant.
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