ic Acid in Somaclones Derived from Internode Explants of Lathyrus sativus

Lathyrus sativus, a grain legume is cultivated in many countries because of its hardy nature and ease of cultivation. However, excessive consumption of Lathyrus sativus causes paralysis of lower limbs due to the presence of the neurotoxin I3-N-oxalyl-L-, n, l3-diamino propionic acid (ODAP) and this has become a matter of world wide public concern. Attempts are, therefore, being made to develop genotypes that either lack or have very low levels of neurotoxin in this species. By breeding, a cultivar variety P-24 has been developed, with toxin content of 0.2 to 0.32% (1), compared to 0.6 to 1.S% in other cultivars. Somac/onal variation has been exploited in crop improvement by various workers. Several variants, showing resistance to pathogens and herbicides, have been developed in a number of crops such as sugarcane (2-4), potato (S), tomato (6), etc. Somac/onal variation may, therefore, be exploited to reduce the toxin content in Lathyrus. However, until recently, in the absence of in vitro regeneration methods, plant biotechnological techniques could not be applied for the removal of the toxin.
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