Avifauna aquáticado reservatório de Salto Grande e Varjão de Paulínia, Bacia do Rio Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil: espécies principais e variação temporal

The Salto Grande reservoir is a highly polluted ecosystem, a permanent source of environmental problems which, however, has a rich and diversified fauna and flora. A study was carried out of the water bird community structure and the dawn to dusk variation ofthe most common species in the Varjao de Paulinia region, situated near the Saltinho Ranch, by the reservoir, The observations were made between August, 1966 and April, 1998. Tweenty-nine bird species were identified of which 21 were of the water variety. The most common species were Phalacrocorax brasilianus, Casmerodius albus e Egretta thula. Apart from these, the species Gallinula chloropus, Bubulcus ibis, Ardea cocoi, Nycticorax nycticorax, Porphyrula martinica, Jacana jacana, Dendrocygna viduata e Butorides striatus were seen practically ali year round.
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