TERAFOR: Dexi-based multicriteria model for considering all multiple fonctions of tree formations in temperate agroforestry areas

EURAF and INRA, the French National Institute of Agronomical Research are very pleased to welcome you in Montpellier for the Third European Agroforestry Conference. Montpellier is the core center in France for Agroforestry Research and demonstration. Both temperate zone and tropical zone agroforestry are targeted by Montpellier researchers. Montpellier is also the home of RAP, the most comprehensive agroforestry experiment in France, with 20 years of uninterrupted monitoring. You will have the opportunity to visit this outstanding site during the Conference (check the RAP leaflet here). Burning issues such as resilience to climate change or the assessment of ecosystems services of Agroforestry will be in the main light. Check the program for the wide range of topics that will be discussed, from the last research findings to the practical enforcement of new agroforestry regulations at national and European scales. New fields of research will also be thoroughly discussed, such as the selection of shade tolerant crops, the use of models to perform virtual agroforestry experiments, the labelling of agroforestry products or the revival of age-old practices such as tree pollarding. And many more. Farmers are welcome, with a session that will be focused on expertise sharing between European agroforesters.
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