Anesthesia method for toe-to-hand transfer in children

Background: toe-to-hand transfer - an effective method of surgical reconstructive restoration of hand function in children, which is highly traumatic and characterized by complexity, duration and multiple stages. These aspects determine the importance and relevance of the choice of anesthesia method is not only in the perioperative period, but at the stage of rehabilitation in this group of the patients. Aim of the study: To evaluate the efficacy of the continuous regional blocks in pediatric toe-to-hand transfer. A total of 136 children had toe-to-hand transfer, and received general anesthesia with regional anesthesia (study group n = 84) and general anesthesia alone (control group n = 52). In the first group regional blockade was used on foot / feet, and continuous regional block of the brachial plexus. We studied the temperature and Doppler on the limbs at different accesses to the brachial plexus, the effect of regional anesthesia on hemostasis, compared intraoperative drug load in the groups, the level of awakening, the quality of early postoperative analgesia and the final outcome of the surgical treatment. The data of thermometry and Doppler showed increase in microcirculation in blocked limbs. Data from thromboelastography showed a tendency to hypocoagulation, due to the influence of regional blocks on the platelet aggregation. The effectiveness of regional block has reduced drug load in the perioperative period. The therapeutic effect of continuous regional blocks helped to reduce the number of surgical complications in 1.9 times.
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