H.R.1618 - Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area Act

Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area Act - (Sec. 4) Establishes the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area in Georgia. Designates the Arabia Mountain Heritage Area Alliance as the Area's management entity. (Sec. 5) Provides for the Alliance to: (1) make grants to and enter into cooperative agreements with the State of Georgia, political subdivisions of the State, and private organizations; (2) develop and submit to the Secretary a management plan for the Area; and (3) assist units of government and nonprofit organizations in preserving resources within the Area. Requires the Alliance, for any year in which Federal funds have been made available under this Act, to submit to the Secretary of the Interior annual reports on its accomplishments, expenses, and income. Instructs the Alliance to: (1) make available to the Secretary for audit all records relating to the expenditure of Federal funds and any matching funds; and (2) require, with respect to all agreements authorizing expenditure of Federal funds by other organizations, that the receiving organizations make available to the Secretary for audit all records concerning the expenditure of those funds. Prohibits the Alliance from using Federal funds made available under this Act to acquire real property or an interest in real property. (Sec. 6) Requires the management plan to provide for the protection, enhancement, and interpretation of the natural, cultural, historical, scenic, and recreational resources of the Area. Requires that the plan be based on the preferred concept in the document entitled "Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area Feasibility Study" (February 28, 2001). Provides that if a management plan is not submitted to the Secretary for approval within three years, the Secretary shall not provide any additional funding under this Act until such a plan is submitted to the Secretary. Directs the Secretary to approve or disapprove the management plan, and if the plan is disapproved,
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