Stakeholders' perceptions of pig effluent management in Thai Binh Province

This paper provides an analysis of the perception of local stakeholders (people, organizations, institutions) in relation to the issues of pig effluents management in Thai Binh, Vietnam, and identifies courses of action on the basis of these perceptions and an institutional analysis. Three main types of stakeholders concerned by pig waste management were identified: those affected by the situation, those directly influencing the situation, and those indirectly influencing the situation. The results of the institutional analysis conducted by the PACT (Pro-Active Conciliation Tool) method are also presented, highlighting the key stakeholders, the favoured points of access and areas of possible consensus to initiate a collective process of change aimed at responding to the identified issues. The interest, difficulties and limitations of the main identified courses of action area discussed. In addition, the principle of patrimonial analysis and the PACT method, and the notions and means of calculation in the PACT programme are also discussed.
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