Mentha Spicata Essential Oils Rich In 1,8-Cineole And 1,2-Epoxy-P-Menthane Derivatives From Zakynthos (Ionian Island, W Greece)

Abstract Wild Mentha spicata plants from 3 locations on the Island of Zakynthos had essential oil yields (mL/100g DW) ranging from 0.5–1.1 %. The main oil constituents were trans-piperitone oxide, piperitenone oxide and 1,8-cineole. On a whole plant basis (aerial parts) the trans-piperitone oxide content ranged from 1.4 % location (Loc 1) to 32.5% (Loc 3) and appeared to have an inverse relationship with the 1,8-cineole content which ranged from 10.8 % (Loc 3) to 37.9 % (Loc 1). 1,8-cineole was the major oil constituent (37.9 %) of M. spicata plants from Loc 1. The major constituent of the inflorescence oils was piperitenone oxide which ranged from 32.4 % (Loc 3) to 46.3 % of the oil (Loc 1). The major constituent of the leaf oils was 1,8-cineole (40.5 %) in plants from Loc 1 and trans-piperitone oxide in plants from Loc 2 (19.8 %) and Loc 3 (33.5 %). This is the first report for wild populations in Greece of a M. spicata oil in which 1,8-cineole is the major constituent. The observed variation in essenti...
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