Determination of ultra-trace levels of uranium and thorium in electrolytic copper using radiochemical neutron activation analysis.

Abstract Uranium and thorium as natural radioactive elements are present everywhere in the environment. Their trace levels are also present in various materials, such as copper, used as a shielding material in gamma-ray spectrometry, usually located very close to the detector. Ultra-low levels of uranium and thorium in electrolytic copper were determined in this study using radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) via their induced nuclides U-239/Np-239 and Pa-233, respectively. After irradiation of copper together with uranium and thorium standards, various techniques were used for their separation from the matrix. To isolate of short-lived U-239, solvent extraction in a combination of tributyl phosphate (TBP) in toluene was used. To separate Np-239 and Pa-233, extraction chromatography using TEVA and TK-400 resins was applied. Special attention was paid to the estimation of radiochemical recovery, which was determined in each sample aliquot using U-235, Np-238 and Pa-231 tracers. For quantification of induced nuclides and tracers used in the experiment, gamma-ray spectrometry was used. Obtained results showed that electrolytic copper samples contained impurities of uranium and thorium in ultra-trace levels: up to 45 pg/g (550 nBq/g) for uranium and up to 80 pg/g (330 nBq/g) for thorium. The electrolytic copper also contained impurities of Ag, As, Au, Sb, Se and Zn as observed using the k0-INAA technique.
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