Study on genetic variability, heritability, character association and genetic divergence in ridge gourd (Luffa acuntangula (L.) Roxb.)

An experiment was conducted on Genetic variability, heritability and genetic gain in the Fifteen genotypes of Ridge Gourd during 2018-19 at the Research Field of Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj. The observations were recorded on various yield and yield contributing characters. The results from the present investigation revealed that On the basis of mean performance of seventeen genotypes of Ridge Gourd, genotype, Nidhi (215.82) and Chitrada (134.99) was found superior in terms of Fruit yield/ha (q). On the basis of Analysis of variance significant difference was recorded for all the quantitative and qualitative traits indicating presence of large amount of variability in the genotypes. The study on genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation revealed that the magnitude of GCV and PCV highest for Fruit yield/ha (q) (43.37 & 41.78). The heritability estimate were found to be high (>60) for almost all the characters, On the other hand cluster II comprised 3 genotype, cluster III and IV cluster comprised 1 genotype. The inter cluster distance was maximum between cluster II and III (81170.76) followed by cluster II and Cluster IV (18636.9), Cluster I and cluster II (11325.81), cluster I and IV (5254.03), Cluster III and IV (4083.57). In the present investigation the highest contribution in manifestation of genetic divergence was exhibited by Fruit yield per plant (kg) (45.71), Average fruit weight (g) (38.1), Node to first male flower (5.71), Flesh thickness (cm) (4.76) and Fruit yield/ha (q) (3.81).
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