Knowledge of Federal Regulations for Mental Health Research Involving Prisoners.

Background: Given their vulnerability to coercion and exploitation, prisoners who participate in research are protected by Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) regulations designed to ensure their safety and wellbeing. Knowledge of these regulations is essential for researchers who conduct and institutional review boards (IRBs) that oversee mental health research in correctional settings. Methods: We explored depth of knowledge of OHRP regulations by surveying a nationwide sample of (1) mental health researchers who have conducted research in correctional settings, (2) mental health researchers who have conducted research in noncorrectional settings, (3) IRB members who have overseen mental health research in correctional settings, (4) IRB members who have overseen mental health research in in noncorrectional settings, and (5) IRB prisoner representatives. Participants responded to a 10-item knowledge questionnaire based on OHRP regulations. Results: There were 1,256 participants who provided usab...
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