Medicinal Plants Used for Glottis Disorders

Nearly one-third of the population faces impaired voice problems (glottis disorders) at some point in their lives (Clouser 2005; Schwartz et al. 2009). This condition is more prevalent in teachers and elderly people, but all age groups and genders get affected. It affects both our health and quality of life (QOL) (Coyle and Thorson 2001). The hoarseness (dysphonia) is defined as a disorder characterized by altered vocal quality, pitch, loudness, or vocal effort impairing communication or reducing voice-related QOL, because impaired communication means decreased or limited ability to interact vocally with others. It leads to frequent health care visits and several billion dollars loss on yearly basis from work absentees (Ramig and Verdolini 1998; Schwartz et al. 2009). It is often caused by benign or self-limited conditions, but may also present the symptom of a more serious or progressive condition requiring prompt diagnosis and management (Rancati et al. 2010).
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