Особенности заболеваемости детей, проживающих в зоне влияния предприятий по производству глинозема

The article presents the study results conducted to study the level and structure of children morbidity of preschool age living in the territories in zone of influence enterprises for metallurgical alumina production. We obtained data indicating the formation of residential areas where the multiplicity exceeding of MPCad on aluminum, formaldehyde, fluoride compounds, phenol, benzo (a) pyrene, suspended matter in atmospheric air is 1.16-43.6 times and on aluminum, nickel and manganese in drinking water is 1.25-42.2 times. We found that the content of chemical compounds (aluminum, manganese, chromium, nickel, phenol, formaldehyde, and ion fluoride) in the biological media of children of the observation groups was up to 4.2 times higher than those of the children of the comparison group. The morbidity of respiratory diseases, diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs and disorders involving the immune mechanism, diseases of digestive, musculoskeletal and nervous systems in children living in the area of anthropogenic influences, up to 8.0 times higher than those of children living in the territory in the absence of enterprises influence. We proved the dependence of the registration frequency of the revealed pathology on the concentration in biomedia of chemicals (aluminum, copper, manganese, chromium, nickel, phenol, formaldehyde and ion fluoride), tropic to the organs of the respiratory, digestive, nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
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