Factors influencing the evaluation and management outcomes of coccygodynia: A literature review

BACKGROUND: This paper reviews various methods for the assessment and management of the coccygodynia. It included review ofbothconservative aswellasoperativemethods. Goalof conservativemethods incoccygodynia istorestorethefunctional status of the patients and to eliminate or at least minimize the discomfort associated with this disabling condition. Though various conservative methods have been used traditionally, yet not all patients respond positively to them. In such cases operative interventions are used, yet previous literature does suggest that even this method is not absolutely promising as not all patients do respond positively to it. METHODOLOGY: The purpose of this article is to review various literatures available for the assessment and the management of coccygodynia. It tends to identify the factors which could guide the selection of best intervention strategy for its management. English literature databases were searched to find the studies matching the predetermined inclusion criteria. CONCLUSION: Multiple factors (pathology, duration of pain, Body mass index, neurotic personality, associated disc pathologies, amount of inter-coccygeal movement) influence the outcomes of the remedial interventions. This study highlights multiple treatment approaches for the rehabilitation of the coccygodynia management.
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