Diània: rock polític, identitat i protesta al País Valencià

EnglishDiania could be the name of a very localized Valencian music scene that serves as an example of the link between popular music and the identity aspect of the political action of social movements. This work has been done from a collection of data on this intense musical artistic activity (number of bands, styles, discographies, lyrics and compositions and geographical location) on different secondary data sources (social media, digital media). The study reveals, on the one hand, the impact of explanatory elements (cultural, historical, social and geographical) on the formation of the scene. On the other hand, the analysis of the contents of the compositions shows how these ones move in a continuum with two well-differentiated poles (the grotesque and the solemn) that correspond to two instruments of political agitation. Although this scene has a stronge local character in terms of identity, protest and territory, its main political elements are associated with the current forms and demands of global social movements. catalaDiania podria ser el nom d’una escena musical valenciana molt localitzada que val com a exemple del vincle entre la musica popular i la vessant identitaria de l’accio politica dels moviments socials. Aquest treball s’ha fet a partir d’una recollida de dades sobre aquesta intensa activitat artistica musical (nombre de grups, estils, discografies, lletres i composicions i ubicacio geografica) sobre diferents fonts de dades secundaries (mitjans socials, mitjans de comunicacio digital). L’estudi troba, per una banda, la incidencia de elements explicatius (culturals, historics, socials i geografics) en la formacio de l’escena. Per altra banda, l’analisi dels continguts de les composicions mostra com aquestes es mouen en un continu amb dos pols ben diferenciats (el grotesc i el solemne) que es corresponen amb dos instruments d’agitacio politica. Encara que connecten territori, identitat i protesta locals, els principals elements politics estan associats amb les formes I reivindicacions actuals dels moviments socials globals.
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