New Robertsonian translocation chromosomes in captive Thai gaur (Bos gaurus readei).

: Robertsonian translocation have been well documented in domestic cattle, with the most commonly occurring fusion involving chromosomes 1 and 29. The widespread nature of this translocation is indicative of its ancient origin. Fifty Giemsa's stained metaphase spreads derived from lymphocyte cultures of the Thai gaur were analyzed for each animal. The Thai gaur had diploid chromosome number of 2n = 57 in male and 2n = 56 in female instead of the normal 2n = 58. The 2n = 57 in male chromosomes presence of an extra submetacentric chromosome and loss of two acrocentric chromosomes was observed [XY, 57, rob (1;29)]. The 2n = 56 in female chromosomes presence of two extra submetacentric chromosomes and loss of four acrocentric chromosomes was observed [XX, 56, rob (1;29)]. Results from the Giemsa's stained analyses confirm that the two autosomes (2n = 57) and four autosomes (2n = 56) involved in the translocation are the bovine homologues 1 and 29.
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