A Pilot Study Describing Physical Activity in Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSDS) after an Exercise Program

Despite the well known mental and physical health benefits of exercise, persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders remain sedentary. While the exercise barriers (i.e., lack of motivation, poor concentration, sedative effects of medication, poverty, and lack of access to exercise education/programs) of persons with SSDs are numerous, lack of motivation is considered foremost among them. Exercise interventions have been shown to improve exercise behavior, but there is a need for longitudinal documentation of physical activity after interventions conclude. This pilot study describes the physical activity level of 22 persons with SSDs 14 to 34 (mean 22) months after the conclusion of an exercise intervention provided in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Eighteen months after the RCT, 22 participants wore pedometers daily for one week without altering their activity. Experimental participants walked more steps and covered more distance on average than control participants on six of the seven days. This p...
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