Fourth World Conference on Women: year-end update.

This report gives a brief history of the UN General Assemblys activities preparatory to the Fourth World Conference on Women a review of the General Assemblys debate on the Beijing Platform Agenda Item 165 and a description of the resolution passed by the Third Committee of the General Assembly on implementation of the Beijing Action Plan. Other resolutions related to the status of women are described. March 11-22 1996 is the scheduled date for the meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women which will discuss follow-up to Beijing. Resolutions were passed in 1995 on the endorsement of the Beijing Declaration and Plan of Action and gratitude for China as a conference host on the Secretariats engagement of women at the highest levels of management on the merger of two womens units and on a variety of other issues. The adopted draft resolution on implementation of the Beijing Plan of Action calls for the Secretary-General to coordinate policy within the UN system on implementation report to the General Assembly on ways to enhance follow-up on implementation ensure the more effective functioning of the Division for the Advancement of Women and cooperate with the administrator of the UNDP in applying a gender perspective to global UN conferences. Summary discussion in the Third Committee meetings pertained to Agenda Item 165 and Item 107. Delegates emphasized the importance of implementing the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action at the local national regional and international levels. Delegates showed little support for the Secretary-Generals proposal to establish a high level advisory board instead of the Platforms recommendation to establish a post in the Office of the Secretary-General. Some delegates did not support the resolution to merge the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) with UNIFEM. Resolutions are expected to be adopted by the General Assembly plenary in December 1995.
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