Implicaciones éticas de la biotecnología: Un enfoque desde la ciudadanía, la justicia y la dignidad humana

The ethical concern that in the beginning was limited to family and intimate level, has now spread even to relations with the environment. But this expansion did not bring greater moral certainty and, conversely, it has decreased. Biotechnology is precisely one of the areas of human activity in which it is decreasing. Hence the need to ask for its ethical implications. The traditions of Anglo-Saxon and Kantian inspiration are insufficient to meet these new issues. The same happens with the appeal to the neutrality of science and technology. Therefore, a balance is needed to address reflective moral uncertainty in the biotechnology field, and an ethic of shared responsibility in three areas of regulation: ethical, legal and political, supported in turn on three elements: justice, human dignity and participation. Ultimately, it would be a juridification of bioethics.
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