Assessment of the golden proportion of brachyfacial, dolicofacial and mesofacial individuals on lateral cephalometric radiographs

It’s known that the Golden Ratio can be applied to the aesthetic values, since some relations, recognized as being beautiful to the human eyes, comfortable and pleasant to the human mind, follow these ratios. The divine proportion has also been associated to growth and healthful function. The aim of this study is to verify, by means of lateral cephalometric radiographs, if some measurements on the face and skull of Angle‘s Class I individuals with distinct facial patterns are in Golden Ratio. A software for cephalometrics (Radiocef 2.0 – Radiomemory – Brazil) was used for the demarcation of the landmarks and measurements. The patients were divided in groups according to their facial pattern, based on the FMA angle and to the Coefficient of Jarabak. Data were submitted to the Student’s t-test, ANOVA and Tukey test. Four of out of the eight proportions (Or-Me/A-Pog, Or-Me/Co-Go, Ena-AA/N-Ena e SO-POOr/Ena-Enp) were found to be Golden on the mesofacial individuals. Only one proportion (Or-Me/A-Pog) was golden on the dolichofacial patients, and no proportions were golden on the brachyfacials. Therefore, the proportions that are in Golden Ratio may provide an individualized cephalometric analysis to identify specific features on each facial pattern that can be applied as references to a more adequate and specific treatment plan. UNITERMS: cephalometrics; orthodontics; face; aesthetics.
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