Non myelin-forming perineuronal Schwann cells in rat trigeminal ganglia express P0 myelin glycoprotein mRNA during postnatal development

Abstract To determine whether P 0 myelin glycoprotein mRNA is expressed in Schwann cells that ensheath neurons and do not form myelin, we probed aldehyde-fixed vibratome sections of developing and adult trigeminal ganglia with a biotinylated P 0 cDNA. For probe detection, vibratome sections were treated with nickel-enhanced horseradish peroxidase (HRP). At each age, some vibratome sections were used to count numbers of HRP-positive and -negative satellite cells. The percentages of HRP-positive satellite cells at 2, 7, and 15 days were 22%, 30% and 14%. None was positive at 30 days or in the adult. Other vibratome sections were embedded for light and electron microscopic study. In semithin sections from ganglia removed from 2-day-old rats, small dot-like densities of HRP were located in perinuclear regions of a few perineuronal Schwann cells. In 7-day-old ganglia, more of these Schwann cells contained HRP. In thin sections studied with the electron microscope, peroxidase was found in cytoplasmic regions enriched in granular endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. At 2 and 7 days, HRP densities in perinuclear regions were larger and more numerous than at 15 days. No signal was detected in 30 day or adult perineuronal Schwann cells. The results show that early in postnatal development, P 0 mRNA is expressed in some Schwann cells that ensheath neurons, that do not contain immunocytochemically detectable levels of P 0 and that do not ever form myelin.
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