Development of a Community-based Participatory Global Health Project Model for Primary Health Care Capacity Development: A Case Study from a Rural Community in Ecuador

Purpose: The aims of this study were to identify successful strategies and propose a community-based parti- cipatoryglobalhealthprojectmodel forprimaryhealthcarecapacitydevelopment. Methods:The studyusedcase studymethodology. Aunit of analysiswasaninternational cooperationhealthproject entitled "Community- based Primary Health Care Improvement in San Lorenzo, Ecuador" using community-based participatory research conductedin2007~2008. Datawerecollected throughwindshield surveys, focus groupdiscussion, and provider surveys. Results:Identifiedsuccessful strategies for the international cooperation healthproject were reciprocal partnerships between researchersandcommunity, partners' capacitybuilding, south-to-southcooperation, and continuous monitoring and feedback. Community participation was found to be an essential tenet to guarantee the improvement of primary health care in the underserved rural community. Evidence from the activities of community health practitioners in Korea was applicable to the development of training programs for primary health care providers in Ecuador. Conclusion:Strategies for primary health care capacity development may be tailored depending on socio-cultural, political, and economical situations of each country. The model, however, would be applicable to the entire process of community-based global health projects in underserved rural communities of other countries.
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