Nuestra experiencia con los estadios activos de la retinopatía del prematuro.

espanolEn los ultimos 24 meses hemos explorado 211 prematuros para descartar la presencia de retinopatia del prematuro. Intentamos relacionar la incidencia de la retinopatia con el bajo peso al nacer, DRRN, DAP, HIC, ECN, sepsis y necesidad de transfusiones. Existe dicha correlacion aunque no sea significativa. Aplicamos crioterapia a 14 ojos con estadio 3 extenso y a las 8 con estadio 2 «plus» persistente, obteniendo la detencion y regresion de la enfermedad en todos los casos. La complicacion mas frecuentemente encontrada fue la hemorragia preretinal leve en la zona lesional, que no impidio el tratamiento en ningun caso. Empleamos anestesia general en todos los ninos. EnglishDuring last 24 months we have explored 211 premature infants so as to detect some degree of retinopathy of prematurity. We tried to find relationship between the incidence of retinopathy and low bith weight, respiratory distress syndrome, persisting ductus arteriosus, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis and needing of blood transfusions. This relationship exists, even though without significance. Cryotherapy was applied to 14 eyes in extense stage 3 and to 8 eyes in persisting stage 2 plus. We obtained the detention and regression of the illness in all cases. The complication we found more frequently was little preretinal hemorrhage in the affected zone, that didn't hinder treatment in any case. We used general anesthesia in every premature.
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