Assessment of preclinical efficacy of antivenoms pr oduced in rabbit by immunological methods and neutralization assays

Envenomation by Moroccan vipers (Cerastes cerastes Cc and Macrovipera mauretanica Mm) has caused signi ficant morbidity and mortality. In Morocco, both vipers we re increasingly identified as a dangerous and commo n source of envenomation. The antivenom production in Morocc o against poisonous snakes encounters a number of difficulties; unfortunately, there is still no monospecific Moroccan antivenom to date. This study aim s to assess the feasibility of monospecific Cc and Mm antivenom pro duction F(ab’)2 prepared under the same immunization protocols in rabbits. SDS-PAGE analysis of both typ es of antivenoms showed similar serum protein profi les. C.cerastes venom elicited satisfactory titers of an ti-Cc F(ab’) 2 after immunization as compared to M.mauretanica venom. Both antivenoms, isolated with ammonium sulf ate precipitation method, were effective in neutral izing the venom lethality (potency = 49.75 and 39.07 LD 50 per ml for anti-Cc and anti-Mm respectively) as we ll as its hemorrhagic effects induced by 3MHD of the venom. C ross-reactivity studies using Ouchterlony test and indirect ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) showed th at anti-Cc and anti-Mm F(ab’) 2 cross-reacted extensively with several venoms, particularly that of viper spe cies (Bitis arietans), presumably due to the presen ce of venom antigens common to both snakes.
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