Studies on energetic compounds. Part-34. Effect of some BEMN complexes on the condensed phase thermolysis of HTPB-AP composite solid propellants

Effect of some bis(ethylenediamine)metal nitrate (BEMN) complexes, i.e. [M(en) 2 [(NO 3 ) 2 (where, M = Cu, Co, Ni and Zn and en = ethylenediamine) during the condensed phase thermolysis of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene(HTPB) and ammonium perchlorate (AP) composite solid propellants (CSPs) has been studied using TG and DTA. The results indicate that the thermolysis of propellants is affected when these energetic complexes are used as burning rate modifiers in small percentage (2% by wt). Ignition delay (t i d ) measurements on unmodified and modified propellants have been conducted to examine the effect of these additives during the rapid thermolysis of propellants. The response of the modified propellants to drop weight impact is determined to know the safety aspects. The effect of these additives on thermal decomposition of oxidizer (AP) is also investigated. Copper and cobalt complexes show considerable effect while nickel and zinc moderate effect on both propellants and AP decomposition.
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