Üst çene tam dişsizlik olgularında kullanılan farklı tutucu ve kaide tasarımına sahip implant üstü Overdenture'ların çevre dokularda oluşturdukları yük dağılımının incelenmesi

Gunumuzde, implant destekli overdenture protezler minimal inviziv olmasi, kullanilan implant sayindaki azalma ve kolayligi dolayisiyla tam dissiz hastalarin tedavisinde tercih edilen yontem olmustur. Fonksiyonel kuvvetlerin kemik-implant protez butunune iletilmesi bu yapilarin her komponentinin fiziksel ozelliklerine ve geometrik konfigurasyonuna baglidir. Gelen kuvvetler sonucu streslerin devamli induksiyonu, implantlar etrafindaki kemik iyilesmesini etkileyerek implantin basarili olmasinda onemli role sahiptir.Bu calismanin amaci implant ustu maksiller overdenture protezlerin bir parcasi olan hassas tutucularin, protez tasariminin ve implant sayisinin implant ve ceveresindeki kemik dokularda olusturdugu stresleri analiz etmektir.Calismamizda 12 adet 3 boyutlu sonlu eleman modeli hazirlanmistir. Tam ve U plak tasariman sahip maksiller implant destekli overdenture protezlerden olusan modeller hassas tutuculara (ball, bar, Locator), 2 ve 4 implantla baglanmistir. Molar disin merkezinden 100 N vertikal ve 100 N oblik kuvvet uygulanmistir. Olusan stresler Algor Fempro programi kullanilarak incelenmistir.Calismainin sonucuna gore Locator tutucular, ball tipi tutucularla kiyaslandigi zaman belirgin fark olmasada en avantajli sonuclar gostermistir. Bar tutuculur oncekilerine kiyasla daha fazla stres olusturmustur. Implant sayisinin etkisini karsilastirdigimiz zaman 2 implantli modeller, protez kaidesinin palatinal uzunlugunu karsilastirdigimiz zaman ise tam plak tasarimi daha basarili sonuclar gostermistir.AbstractCurrently, implant overdentures have become one of the most preferred options for treating completely edentulous patients because of minimal invasiveness, a lower number of implants used, and its relative simplicity. The transfer of functional loads and accompanying stress distribution in a bone-implant prosthesis assembly depends on the physical properties and spatial geometric configuration of each component. The continual induction of stresses caused by the superimposition of such loads affects the bone remodeling process around implants, which plays a substantial role in implant survival.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the precision attachment type, implant number and prostheses designs on stress distribution around dental implants and surrounding bone used with maxillary overdenture prostheses.In our study we prepared twelve, three dimensional finite element models representing maxillary implant retained overdenture prosthesis connected to two and four dental implants with three types; ball, bar, Locator, precision attachments. 100 N vertical and 100 N oblique forces were applied on the first mandibular molar teeth in each model. The stresses were investigated using the Algor Fempro program.According to the results of this study, Locator attachments were found to be most favorable with little difference to ball attachments. Bar attachments showed unfavorable results comparing to previous ones. In comparison of effect of implant number two implant supported overdentures were more acceptable. Palatinal extension of maxillary implant supported overdentures also was more favorable than plataless design.
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