Disinfectant efficacy of soft contact lens care system containing povidone iodine

s / Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 38 (2015) e1–e12 e11 and NIBUT were not correlated to blink speed (p>0.165), but subjects with increased LIPCOF Sum scores showed increased Vt1–t2 (r=0.615, p=0.005), as to be expected from a tribological view. Conclusions: The Blink speed is faster in the closing phase than theopeningphase.Nocorrelationswere foundbetweenblink speed and symptoms or tear film stability in this cohort of population. Subjects with increased LIPCOF scores appeared to show increased blink speed to the end of the downward movement of the upper eyelid. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clae.2014.11.112 Disinfectant efficacy of soft contact lens care system containing povidone iodine Motozumi Itoi (MD, PhD)1, Kouhei Yoshimoto (MSc)2, Katsuhide Yamasaki (MSc)2, Fumio Saito (MSc)2, Kiichi Ueda (MD)3 1 Dougenzaka Itoi Eye Clinic, Tokyo, Japan 2 Ophtecs, Kobe, Japan 3 Ueda Eye Clinic, Shimonoseki, Japan Purpose: Disinfectant efficacy of a 1step soft contact lens (SCL) disinfection system containing povidone iodine (PVP-I) was compared with other SCL disinfection systems against planktonic and adherentmicrobe, andestimated transmissionof adherentmicrobe onto SCL. Method: Tested microbes were P. aeruginosa (Pa), S. marcescens (Sm),A. xylosoxidans (Ax) isolated fromCL cases in keratitis patients and A. castellanii (Ac: ATCC30868). Evaluated disinfectant systemswere PVP-I, 1step hydrogen peroxide disinfection system (H2O2) and 4MPSs. Disinfectant efficacy test against planktonic microbe was conducted by ISO Stand Alone test, and the test against adherent microbe was estimated to count viablemicrobes after each tested solutionwas exposed to adherent microbe formed in the multi-well plates. To estimate the amount of transmission of adherent microbe, viable microbial counts on the CL was measured after the balafilcon A lenses, which showed the highest transmission rates of Pa and Ac in saline solution, were soaked in the tested solutions. Results: The PVP-I reduced all planktonic and adherent microbes less than the lower detection limit. The H2O2 as well as the PVP-I showed high efficacy, however, H2O2 showed inadequate efficacyagainst adherentofPaandSm.MPSwas lowefficacyagainst planktonic and adherent of Sm and Ax, especially PHMB alone and PHMB with Polyquad-1 were low against all microbes (3 log kill). Meanwhile, transmission of adherentmicrobe onto the balafilconA was not confirmedwith PVP-I andH2O2, but in allMPS, the amount of transmittedbacteriawas3 log to4 log andamoebawas3 logwith PHMB alone and 2.6 log with PHMB with Polyquad-1. Conclusions: PVP-I was effective against biofilm on contaminated CL case which is risk factor of CL related keratitis, however, MPS showed possibility of contamination on SCL as low efficacy against biofilm. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clae.2014.11.113 The impact of daily disposable contact lens wear on the conjuctival epitithelium Maria Markoulli (PhD, MOptom, FBCLA)1, Moneisha Gokhale (B.S. (Optom))2, Jason Chiem1, Flora Lo1, Eric Papas (PhD, MCOptom, FAAO)1,3 1 School of Optometry & Vision Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 2 School of Medicine (Optometry), Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Victoria, Australia 3 Brien Holden Vision Institute, Sydney, Australia Purpose:To investigatehowconjunctival goblet cell densityand epithelial cell metaplasia respond to and recover from contact lens (CL) wear. Methods: Ten non-CL wearers were examined prior to fitting daily disposable CLs (narafilcon A), after one month of wear and three days after cessation. Lissamine green conjunctival staining and fluorescein tear break up-time (TBUT) were conducted at each visit. Impression cytology samples taken from the temporal conjunctiva were stained and assessed under light microscopy to determine goblet cell density (GCD) and nucleocytoplasmic ratio (NCR). Results: GCD at baseline, one month of CL wear and three days post cessation was 236.7±165.0, 43.1±46.0 and 49.3±45.2 cells/mm2 respectively. Baseline GCD was significantly greater than both the one-month visit and three days post cessation (p=0.02). GCD three days post cessation did not differ from the one month CL wear visit (p=0.93). NCR at baseline, one month of CL wear and three days post cessation was 0.49±0.14, 0.23±0.07 and 0.27±0.09, respectively. The baseline visit was significantly greater than both the one month visit and three days post CL cessation visit (p=0.002 and 0.01 respectively). Three days post wear cessation did not differ from the onemonth CLwear visit (p=0.45). Therewas no significant correlation between TBUT andGCDorNCR at any visit but at three days post cessation, conjunctival staining was significantly associated with NCR (p=0.04, r=0.66). Conclusions: Significant decreases in GCD and NCR occur during one month of daily disposable CL wear in neophytes with no significant reversal occurring by three days after wear ceased. Clinical observations such as fluorescein TBUT or conjunctival staining are not necessarily indicative of cellular damage during the early stages of CL wear. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clae.2014.11.114 Bacteria biofilms provide protection from disinfection by multipurpose contact lens care solutions Simon Kilvington (PhD) Department of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Purpose: The study compared the efficacy of contact lens multipurpose disinfectant solutions (MPDS) against clinical isolates of bacteria under biofilm or planktonic growth states. Method: Gram-negative bacteria Achromobacter spp., Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Delftia spp. were isolated from the contact lens storage cases of patients with corneal infiltrative events (CIEs). Solutions studied were: MPDS1 (polyquaternium-1, (0.0003%+alexidine dihydrochloride, 0.00016%), MPDS-2 (polyquaternium, 0.0001%+PHMB, 0.00013%), MPDS-3 (polyquaternium-1, 0.001%+MAPD, 0.0006%) and MPDS4 (PHMB (0.0001%). In addition, 3% hydrogen peroxide (PER) was also tested. Biofilms were produced by culturing strains in
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