小区开放对城市道路通行能力的影响效果评估 Evaluation of the Influence of Community Opening on Urban Road Capacity

封闭式小区是影响城市路网状况的瓶颈之一。小区开放是优化路网结构、提高道路通行能力、改善城市交通状况的重要手段。小区开放对优化道路通行能力的数据评估具有迫切的现实需求。本文首先基于TPI数据将城市交通区域进行分类,进而依据不同类型区域内的小区结构、道路节点数、交通状况通达度以及路阻指数等指标对区域进行二次分类,最后基于路阻函数BPR值量化不同类型小区开放前后的道路通行能力。实例分析验证了Braess悖论的合理性以及本文提出的小区开放对道路通行能力的影响评估模型的有效性。 Enclosed residential district is one of the most important bottlenecks affecting the urban road network. Community opening is an important means to optimize the structure of the road net-work, improve the road capacity and the urban traffic conditions. It is urgent to evaluate the data of the road capacity. Firstly, the urban traffic area is classified based on the TPI index. Secondly, according to the community structure, the number of road nodes, traffic conditions, accessibility and road resistance index, the paper makes two classifications of the area. Finally, the road capacity of different types of residential areas is quantified based on the BPR value of road impedance function. The case analysis verifies the rationality of the Braess paradox and the effectiveness of the proposed model in evaluating the road capacity.
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