The census of cataclysmic variables in the ROSAT Bright Survey

Received; accepted Abstract. We give an identification summary and results of polarimetric, photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations of new, X-ray bright cataclysmic variables. These were identified as optical counterparts of high galactic latitude sources in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. This optical identification programme is termed the ROSAT Bright Survey (RBS) and represents the first complete soft X-ray selected, flux-limited sample of CVs at high galactic latitude (survey area � 20400sq.deg.). The systems described here escaped previous identification programmes since these surveys were designed to identify even brighter than ours or particularly soft X-ray sources. Among the 11 new RBS-CVs we find 6 magnetic systems of AM Herculis type, 4 dwarf novae (among them one candidate), and one particularly bright system of uncertain nature, tentatively identified as dwarf nova or symbiotic binary. Orbital periods could be determined for all magnetic systems which range from 87.1min to 187.7 min. Three of the new dwarf novae have moderate to high inclination and two of them might be eclipsing. Using non-magnetic systems only we derive a space density of CVs of � 3 × 10 5 pc 3 . This limit rests on the two new nearby, low-luminosity systems RBS0490 and RBS1955, with estimated distances of 30pc only and luminosities below 10 30 ergs 1 .
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