Quality of semen of young boars of the breeds Pietrain and Duroc and their reciprocal crosses

Abstract. The study concerned examination of 120 of young Pietrain and Duroc boars and hybrids descending from reciprocal crossing of those breeds. On 230th, 250th and 270th day of their lives, their sperm was given a detailed examination. It is assessed that Pietrain boars gave ejaculates of the lowest volume, lowest mobility, and the lowest total number of spermatozoa. Semen of boars of this group had also the highest percentage of spermatozoa with major and minor morphological changes, and defected acrosome. Along with the age of boars (from 230th to 270th day of life) there was a significant improvement of quality of semen of all of the groups except the semen of Pietrain boars. We detected the positive effect of crossing especially in hybrids boars descending from mating of Duroc fathers and Pietrain mothers. Even during the first evaluation, they gave the semen of the highest total number of normal sperms, with normal acrosome, and with the highest value of osmotic resistance test and the lowest activity of AspAT in semen plasma. That proves the high quality of ejaculates of those hybrids comparing to the ejaculates of the boars of other groups – purebreds as well as hybrids of the opposite combination, i.e. descending from crossing of Pietrain fathers and Duroc mothers. This conclusion suggests to use Duroc fathers and Pietrain mothers in production of hybrid boars.
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