Genome instability in cancer development

Part 1. The Problem of Genome Instability 1.1. The Multiplicity of Mutations in Human Cancers by Ranga N. Venkatesan and Lawrence A. Loeb 1.2. Monitoring chromosome rearrangements by Michael R. Speicher Part 2. DNA Repair and Mutagenesis 2.1. Nucleotide excision repair and its connection with cancer and ageing by Jaan-Olle Andressoo, Jan H.J. Hoeijmakers and Harm de Waard 2.2. DNA mismatch repair and colon cancer by Giancarlo Marra and Josef Jiricny 2.3. Base excision repair by Lisiane B. Meira, Nicholas E. Burgis and Leona D. Samson 2.4. DNA double strand break repair by Penny A. Jeggo 2.5. Translesion synthesis and error-prone polymerases by Catherine M. Green and Alan R. Lehmann Part 3. Cell Cycle Progression and Chromosome Aberrations 3.1. The INK4A/ARF network - cell cycle checkpoint or emergency brake? By Ana Gutierrez del Arroyo and Gordon Peters 3.2. DNA replication and genomic instability by Wenge Zhu, Tarek Abbas and Anindya Dutta 3.3. The dream of every chromosome: equal segregation for a healthy life of the host by Tomohiro Matsumoto and Mitsuhiro Yanagida 3.4. Telomere structural dynamics in genome integrity control and carcinogenesis by Roger A. Greenberg and K. Lenhard Rudolph 3.5. Gene amplification mechanisms by Michelle Debatisse and Bernard Malfoy 3.6. DNA methylation and cancer-associated genetic instability by Melanie Ehrlich 3.7. Deregulation of the centrosome cycle and the origin of chromosomal instability in cancer by Wilma L. Lingle, Kara Lukaswiewicz and Jeffrey L. Salisbury Part 4. Genome Integrity Checkpoints 4.1. Mammalian DNA damage response pathway by Zhenkun Lou and Junjie Chen 4.2. ATM and cellular response to DNA damage by Martin F Lavin, Sergei Kozlov, Nuri Gueven, Cheng Peng, Geoff Birrell, Phillip Chen and Shaun Scott 4.3 Kinetochore function, chromosome segregation and the spindle assembly checkpoint by Tim J. Yen and Gary D. Kao
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