Smart Mobility Cities: Connecting Bristol and Kuala Lumpurproject report

Financed by the British Council Institutional Links program this Smart Mobility Cities project has opened a fascinating window on a journey of discovery linking Bristol and Kuala Lumpur. This journey was in part directed towards the realisation of Smart Mobility solutions to the socio-economic and environmental challenges of global urbanisation. Beyond this, the journey was also concerned to strengthen research and innovation partnerships between the UK and the emerging knowledge economy of Malaysia, enabling UK social scientists to collaborate on challenging global issues with international researchers and vice versa. This Smart Mobility Cities project report presents innovative, creative and yet fully practical solutions for these societal challenges. Solutions that explore a range of opportunities, which include those arising from new urban governance requirements, and which are in-line with visions for sustainable urban mobility. These Smart Mobility solutions have arisen from intensive co-design and co-creation engagement with a diversity of stakeholders. Research co-production has linked the principal university partners of the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, and Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur, together with the Malaysia Institute of Transport (MITRANS), Universiti Teknologi Mara, and the University Sains Malaysia (USM) in intensive engagement with stakeholder interests in both UK and Malaysia over a two-year period.
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