RESEARCH ARTICLE Role of Capacity Building in Promoting Agribusiness: Study of Banana Farming in Ugunja District

Agriculture is the backbone of rural livelihood for rural communities. Most of the farmers practice mono-cropping and depend on maize as a livelihood crop. The purpose of the study was to explore the efficiency and effectiveness of capacity building of farmers in transforming subsistence farming to Agribusiness. The study was guided by the Transactive and Networking theories. The specific objectives which guided the research were; to determine capacity building methods used by extension officers to assist farmers promote agribusiness in rural Kenya and to establish the extent to which capacity building has affected the income levels generated through productivity of agribusiness. This study‟s target population was 550 subsistence farmers out of which a total of 165 respondents from 6 sub locations were sampled using simple random technique for this study in South Ugenya Location, Ugunja district. A total of 10 key respondents were sampled using purposive sampling from the Ministry of Agriculture Ugunja office, Community Based Organizations and Non Governmental Organizations. The research used finite universe as the sample design. The data was collected using quantitative and qualitative methods. Research design was descriptive survey while the research instruments were questionnaires, interviews observation and focus group discussions. The reliability of the instruments was tested through piloting of the instruments while validity was confirmed by the lecturers in the School of Business and Economic studies. The conceptual framework was used to provide a guide for the study. Data analysis used descriptive statistics, correlation of coefficient and t-test. The main finding of this study was that capacity building methods are very significant in promoting agribusiness. It recommended identification and mentoring of progressive Farmers, Appropriate Capacity Building Methods to be used, Training farmers on Marketing and Promoting banana farming as a crop of specialization.
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