
本文主要是台灣某南部醫學中心負壓病房的護理人員在陎臨COVID-19疫情衝擊下,護理團隊於初期進行護理人力重整規劃、環境分區規劃、制定護理人員與清潔人員教育訓練與標準流程,設置護理人員教育訓練懶人包之雲端系統,設計清潔人員清潔方式口訣,防疫物資透明化,盤點儀器和用物規劃以確定防疫物資準備狀況,並重視員工關懷與福利。於策略執行過程不斷修正陎臨之護理照顧問題,制定備物流程、製作衛教影片與定義工作中重點、高風險醫療行為。經修訂行政流程及完成跨團隊演練,來避免傳染病傳播與維護醫療團隊人員工作安全。護理人員於疫情期間擔任溝通、聯繫與照顧的重要角色,此次防疫經驗分享於護理團隊的負壓病房之相關規劃。 This article describes the corresponding measures taken by nursing staffs in the negative pressure ward of a southern Taiwan medical center facing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic In the early stage, the nursing team underwent manpower planning;formulated educational training, standardization of protocols, and environmental planning;ascertained the readiness of epidemic prevention materials;and emphasized on the care and benefits of staffs To prevent spreading of the infectious disease and protect the safety of personnel, the nursing team continuously made amendments and handled the problems as they emerged;created health education videos;defined high-risk behaviors that can result in infection;made amendments in administrative protocols;and accomplished interdisciplinary practice during the work process During the pandemic, the nursing staff played important roles in communication, contact, and care We wish to provide relevant information on negative pressure ward planning during the pandemic to our nursing colleagues by sharing our experience We believe that we will get through this pandemic with the endeavor of all nursing staffs at various clinical positions
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